16 May 2013

Skripsi PAI : Pengoptimalan Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)

Pengoptimalan Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) sebagai Sarana Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Raudlatul Ulum Kapedi-Sumenep
Jurusan:Pendidikan Agama Islam
Pembimbing:1) Dra. Siti Annijat Maimunah, M.Pd.  
Kata Kunci:Peningkatan, Prestasi Belajar, Lembar Kerja Siswa, Pendidikan Agama Islam

To support the promotion of learning achievement of Islamic religious education is needed for effective learning media based on necessity and significance. In this study the author examines the role of instructional media student worksheets in an attempt to improve academic achievement Islamic education Raudlatul Ulum high school students of class X Kapedi Sumenep.
Improving the academic achievement of Islamic religious education in high school Raudlatul Ulum is an urgent effort to remember the needs of the community of religious knowledge. But the reality of the matter of Islamic religious education learning achievement Raudlatul Ulum high school are unsatisfactory. In a sense not yet qualified to be the foundation of departure of life. The most simple way to accept this statement is from a number of existing teachers. Where there is dissatisfaction with the quantitative achievements produced by the students. From the later teachers of Islamic religious education teachers feel compelled to use the student worksheets as a learning medium to support the promotion of Islamic religious education learning achievement. Because in the Student Worksheet student worksheets approximately 90% of the overall content of the book are the questions. Both multiple choice and a matter field which is not available answer. 10%, the rest consisting of brief summaries of key discussion.
The purpose of this study is to identify students' media use worksheets that apply Islamic religious education in Raudlatul 'Ulum high school class X Kapedi Sumenep and also to determine the academic achievement of Islamic Religious Education Islam of Raudlatul' Ulum high school students of class X Kapedi - Sumenep with using a media student worksheets.
Research by the author of this is included in the descriptive qualitative research using observation and interviews as sources of data, documents and records relevant to the object of study. Observations made at the Raudlatul Ulum high school class X Kapedi -Sumenep. Data obtained through observation and then consulted on the school's educational practitioners to obtain justification. Then conducted interviews with students and teachers of Islamic religious education teachers to gain recognition on the use of student worksheets as a medium of learning.
The results obtained conclude that the student worksheet is a medium of learning that can improve the academic achievement of Islamic religious education Raudlatul Ulum senior high school students in the class X Kapedi -
Sumenep. Even if students have not been able to systematically tell about the role of Islamic religious education student worksheet but they indirectly acknowledged that student worksheet plays an important role in increasing achievement Islamic Religious Education at the Raudlatul 'Ulum high school class X Kapedi Bluto Sumenep. Student worksheet does not just help you understand and facilitate student learning. But it became a practical medium for the exam. And automatic learning achievement of students has increased by optimizing the use of student worksheet in the field of Islamic Religious Education materials in class X Raudlatul 'Ulum high school Kapedi Sumenep Bluto.

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